Leading industrial enterprises use NPC’s connected worker solutions with AR & VR smartglasses to empower on-the-job knowledge transfer, close skillgap, and drive continuous improvement.
Impart seamless knowledge transfer to your workforce with instant AR powered remote expert guidance. Your workforce can virtually connect with remote expert over the call and receive ‘on-the-job’ guidance from subject matter experts.
Utilize Assisted Reality (aR) to guide workers through complex tasks and offer virtual training experiences by creating digital work instructions. The instructions are visible on RealWear devices and can be accessed by following some voice commands.
Liberate your workers hands and elevate their efficiency! By using connected worker solutions for smartglasses, work becomes unshackled as your workers operate hands-free & access instant remote guidance, training, instructions.
Unlock the full potential of your business with our cutting-edge technology solutions—contact us today and let’s create a smarter, more sustainable future together!